
AshleyBlack's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 132 (From 12 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 2,355 Points

Transylvania Girls

Medals Earned: 3/18 (80/500 points)

Sleeping in 5 Points

Rest before you need to.

100 Problems 25 Points

Get a girl mad at you.

We Named The Dog Indiana 50 Points

Get all of Dracula's artifacts by digging.

What kind of a moron says no to that? 5 Points

Reject the final offer (Polly)

Blondes Have More Fun 10 Points

Beat the game with Polly

Bloody Mary 10 Points

Beat the game with Emmy

Harvey Wallbanger 10 Points

Beat the game with Beth.

Blockhead 25 Points

Bought the brick.

Close to Godliness 25 Points

Beat the game with maximum (100) Piety.

Made Man 25 Points

Beat the game with maximum (100) respect.

Playboy 25 Points

Beat the game with maximum (100) charm.

Ain't Easy 50 Points

Beat the game with all girls. (multiple playthroughs)

Illumination 50 Points

Beat the game without using the secret.

Venture Capitalist 50 Points

Get all of Dracula's artifacts by buying them.

Market Research 100 Points

Revealed all 3 girl's secrets in one playthrough.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Trigger Knight

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/115 points)

Sharpenin'! 5 Points

Get Level 3 Weapon

Grasping the Mechanics 10 Points

Score 1.000.000 or more!

Dragonslayer 25 Points

Slay a Dragon!

Uberslash 25 Points

Score 75.000 damage or more!

Game Completed! 50 Points

Get 100% Game Completion